pain and inflammation due to a spider bite

Mr. M.H - Suffered from pain and inflammation due to a spider bite

Through bioresonance, we worked out that Mr. M.H had toxins from a spider bite in Jamaica that had caused a huge amount of swelling, fluid and pain in the knee. I recommended 2-3 sessions of bioresonance to help reduce toxins by stimulating the body's own defence mechanisms, helping his body detoxify and reduce the inflammation. The symptoms all subsided and the knee and swelling drastically improved. 

“Within a period of 24 hours, my knee went from normal to being unable to bend it, swollen and in gnawing pain. Little did I think it was from a spider bite!

Following investigation using Bioresonance, the cause of the problem was identified and after the initial treatment there was relief and a visible improvement.

If you have symptoms that are unexplained – I would highly recommend The Holistic Hub to investigate and resolve these."

This same patient returned to me later with a major toothache. Again, bioregulatory medicine and bioresonance, we reduced inflammation, pain and infection.

Rebekah Hayward

I help wellness & lifestyle brands establish themselves as industry leaders via minimal & thoughtful design

debilitating symptoms


pain, inflammation and decreased movement